Bankiga dhexe ee Soomaaliya (CBS) ayaa Talaadadii daaha ka rogay nidaamka SOMQR Code Standard, kaas oo ah horumar la taaban karo oo looga gol leeyahay in sare loogu qaado ammaanka lacagaha isticmaalaha.
Nidaamkan hal-abuurka leh ayaa u oggolaanaya ganacsatada iyo macaamiisha inay sameeyaan ama helaan wax kala iibsiga iyadoo la raacayo qaab-dhismeed midaysan.
Qorshahan ayaa Soomaaliya ka garab galaya wadamada Afrika sida Kenya iyo Koonfur Afrika, kuwaas oo horey u qaatay halbeegyadan.
Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi, Guddoomiyaha CBS, ayaa carrabka ku adkeeyay kartida wax-ka-beddelka ee Halbeegga Xeerka SOMQR.
“Tani waxay wax ka baddalaysaa habka lacag-bixinta ee Soomaaliya si ay u noqoto mid qiimo jaban, la miisaami karo, oo la sugi karo, oo la isku halleyn karo oo lagu gaari karo bulsho aan lacag caddaan ah lahayn,” ayuu ka hor sheegay dhageystayaal Muqdisho ku sugan.
Wadashaqeynta CBS iyo hay’adaha ganacsiga
Guddoomiye Cabdullaahi ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay baahida weyn ee Soomaaliya ay u qabto in ay sii waddo casriyeynta iyo digiteynta hababka lacag bixinta qaranka ee mabaadi’da wada shaqeynta, ka mid noqoshada maaliyadeed, iyo hufnaanta, si ay ugu gudubto dhaqaalaha dhijitaalka ah.
Tallaabadan ayaa qayb ka ah dib u dhiska ballaaran ee ka dib sannado colaadeed.
A key component of this advancement is the strategic collaboration between the CBS and thirteen licensed private banks.
Under the auspices of the Somali Bankers Association (SBA), these entities established the Somali Payments Switch (SPS), a strategic payments company.
Ahmed Shirwa, chairman of the SBA, underlined the importance of this partnership.
“The close cooperation between the Central Bank of Somalia and 13 commercial banks has been instrumental in setting up the SPS,” he stated.
The road to reinventing the national currency
While the digitization drive is impressive, CBS will have to address the challenge of reintroducing its convertible shilling currency.
Long marred by counterfeiting, the Somali shilling lost its credibility amidst conflict and international humanitarian intervention.
Its current exchange rate is nearly unpredictable and is widely unrecognized due to difficulties distinguishing genuine notes from forgeries.
The Somali Parliament is expected to consider a policy paper soon. If approved, it will shape how the country re-establishes its currency.
The launch of the SOMQR Code Standard marks a pivotal moment for Somalia.
CBS seeks to foster ambitious interconnections among all financial service providers in this predominantly dollarized economy where mobile payments calculate prices in dollars.
The objective is to enhance payment platform security and reliability and maintain tariff consistency.
This move closely follows similar developments in the region.
Last month, the Central Bank of Kenya rolled out the Kenya Quick Response Code Standard 2023, following South Africa’s earlier introduction.
As Somalia embarks on this digital journey, it represents a stride toward financial innovation and a step closer to a future of economic stability.